Swiss army knife

Swiss army knife
a small knife with blades and other tools, such as a nail file and corkscrew, all folding into the handle.
[ < Swiss Army, a trademark]

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      multibladed pocketknife that evolved from knives issued to Swiss soldiers beginning in 1886. Although the knives were originally produced in Germany, Swiss cutler Karl Elsener began making soldiers' knives in 1891, equipping them with a blade, reamer, screwdriver, and can opener. The officer's knife, with a second blade and corkscrew, appeared in 1897. The knives continue to be supplied by two Swiss manufacturers, Victorinox (Elsener's firm) and Wenger, and both the military and civilian models bear the Swiss federal cross logo.

      There are hundreds of models of Swiss Army knives, which among their many tools may incorporate attachments such as a saw, pliers, scissors, compass, light, tweezers, whistle, fish scaler, file, pen, wirecutter, or altimeter. Models are especially designed for specific users—campers, hunters, computer repairers, golfers, and handymen. The name has become a metaphor for a compact, ingeniously designed tool with multiple uses.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Swiss Army knife — noun a folding pocketknife with many blades and attachments. {originally designed for the Swiss Army} …  

  • Swiss Army knife — noun A brand of multi function pocket knife or multitool, having a blade and various tools, such as screwdrivers and can openers …   Wiktionary

  • Swiss army knife — UK / US 1) trademark a small knife with several blades and tools that you can fold away into the handle when you are not using them 2) a method or system that deals with situations of all types …   English dictionary

  • Swiss army knife — n. type of pocketknife that has different blades and various tools (such as screwdrivers, can opener, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

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