Supreme Court

Supreme Court
1. the highest court of the U.S.
2. (in many states) the highest court of the state.
3. (l.c.) (in some states) a court of general jurisdiction subordinate to an appeals court. Also called High Court (for defs. 1, 2).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Supreme Court — n. ☆ 1. the highest U.S. federal court, consisting of nine judges: its decisions are final and take precedence over those of all other judicial bodies in the country ☆ 2. the highest court in most states …   English World dictionary

  • supreme court — ► NOUN ▪ the highest judicial court in a country or state …   English terms dictionary

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  • supreme court — noun the highest court in most states of the United States • Syn: ↑state supreme court, ↑high court • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑court, ↑tribunal, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Supreme Court — Su|p|reme Court [sjʊ pri:m kɔ:t ], der; s, s [engl., aus: supreme = höchst… u. court = Gericht]: oberster Gerichtshof (bzw. oberste Instanz) in einigen Staaten mit angloamerikanischem Recht. * * * Supreme Court   [sʊ priːm kɔːt] der, , in einigen …   Universal-Lexikon

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