Superordination — Su per*or di*na tion, n. [Pref. super + ordination: cf. L. superordinatio.] The ordination of a person to fill a station already occupied; especially, the ordination by an ecclesiastical official, during his lifetime, of his successor. Fuller.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
superordination — su·per·or·di·na·tion … English syllables
superordination — /ˌsupərɔdəˈneɪʃən/ (say .soohpuhrawduh nayshuhn) noun Logic the act of making a proposition or a class superordinate to another …
superordination — noun the semantic relation of being superordinate or belonging to a higher rank or class • Syn: ↑hypernymy • Hypernyms: ↑semantic relation … Useful english dictionary
hypernymy — n. the relation of being superordinate or belonging to a higher (more abstract) rank or class. Inverse of hyponymy. Syn: superordination. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Daphne Hampson — Margaret Daphne Hampson (born 1944) is a British theologian. Educated at Oxford and at Harvard, she held a personal Chair in Post Christian Thought at the University of St Andrews. Hampson s distinctive theological position has both gained her… … Wikipedia
List of Marvin Harris works — This is a two part chronological list of the works of anthropologist Marvin Harris. The first list contains his scholarly articles; the second contains his books. TOC Articles *1952 Race Relations in Minas Velhas, a Community in the Mountain… … Wikipedia
Dutch dialects — This article is a part of a series on Dutch dialects Languages of the Netherlands Dutch dialects … Wikipedia
Hyperonym — In der Linguistik wird mit Hyperonym der Oberbegriff eines Begriffs bezeichnet. Der Unterbegriff eines Begriffs wird als Hyponym bezeichnet. Beispiel: Obst ist ein Hyperonym von Banane, Tier ist ein Hyperonym von Säugetier, Säugetier ist ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Synset — ist ein aus dem Englischen stammender Begriff der Semantik, konkreter der Lexikographie. Es geht um die Bildung von Wortfeldern und Begriffsfeldern, indem man Synonyme zu einem Feld, einem „Konzept“[1] (im Sinne einer Begrifflichkeit)… … Deutsch Wikipedia