
Hek·la (hĕkʹlə)
A volcano, 1,492.1 m (4,892 ft) high, of southwest Iceland. In medieval Icelandic folklore, Hekla was believed to be one of the gateways to purgatory. It is Iceland's most active volcano, having had more than a dozen major eruptions since the 12th century.

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 active volcano, southern Iceland. It is the country's best-known volcano. Hekla stands 4,892 ft (1,491 m) above sea level 70 mi (110 km) east of Reykjavík, the capital, at the eastern end of the island's most extensive farming region. Known in early times as the Mountain of Hell, it erupted 18 times between 1104 and 2000, with major eruptions occurring in 1300, 1766, and 1947; the 1766 explosion caused great loss of life. In the late 20th century, Hekla had three minor eruptions: in 1970, 1980, and 1991. An eruption in 2000 lasted four days but caused no significant damage.

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