- sunless
/sun"lis/, adj.1. lacking sun or sunlight; dark: a sunless room.2. dismal; gloomy; cheerless: a sunless smile.[1580-90; SUN + -LESS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Sunless — may refer to :* Sans Soleil , a 1981 film by Chris Marker * Sunless (song cycle) by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky *Sunless tanning … Wikipedia
Sunless — Sun less, a. Destitute or deprived of the sun or its rays; shaded; shadowed. [1913 Webster] The sunken glen whose sunless shrubs must weep. Byron. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sunless — [sun′lis] adj. without sun or sunlight; dark … English World dictionary
sunless — [[t]sʌ̱nləs[/t]] 1) ADJ On sunless days, the sun does not shine. The day dawned sunless and with a low cloud base. Ant: sunny 2) ADJ: ADJ n Sunless places are not lit by the sun. Carmen stayed behind in the dark, sunless room … English dictionary
sunless — /ˈsʌnləs/ (say sunluhs) adjective 1. characterised by lack of sunlight; dark: a sunless room. 2. overcast: a sunless day. 3. gloomy; dismal; depressing: a sunless attitude to life. –sunlessly, adverb –sunlessness, noun …
sunless — adjective 1) a cold sunless day Syn: dark, overcast, cloudy, gray, gloomy, dismal, murky, dull 2) the sunless side of the house Syn: shady, shadowy, dark, gloomy … Thesaurus of popular words
sunless — sun|less [ˈsʌnləs] adj having no light from the sun = ↑dark ▪ the sunless depths of the ocean … Dictionary of contemporary English
sunless — sun|less [ sʌnləs ] adjective LITERARY without any sun: a gray sunless sky … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sunless — adjective having no light from the sun: the sunless depths of the ocean … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
sunless — UK [ˈsʌnləs] / US adjective literary without any sun a grey sunless sky … English dictionary