
/sooh dayt"n/; Ger. /zooh dayt"n/, n.
1. Also, Sudetes /sooh dee"teez/, Czech, Sudety /soo"de ti/. a mountain range in E central Europe, extending along the N boundary of the Czech Republic between the Elbe and Oder rivers. Highest peak, 5259 ft. (1603 m).
2. a native or inhabitant of the Sudetenland.
3. Sudetenland.

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▪ mountain ranges, Europe
(German), Czech and Polish  Sudety 

      system of east-west mountain ranges of northeastern Bohemia and northern Moravia, Czech Republic, bordering on Poland. The system has three subgroups: the West Sudeten range is composed of the Lusatian Mountains, the Jizera Mountains, and the Giant (Krkonoše) Mountains (Giant Mountains) (qq.v.); the Middle Sudeten range includes the Orlice Mountains (q.v.) and the Broumovské range; the East Sudeten range is composed of the three elements of the Jeseník Mountains (q.v.).

      The Sudeten are the broken remnants of an ancient massif; the peaks, such as Sněžka (5,256 feet [1,602 m]) in the Giant Mountains, have flattened summits. Mineral deposits abound, but small workings long have been in decline. Farming is difficult on the rough terrain, and cottage industry and craftsmanship are still prevalent. The textile industry, particularly cotton, is widespread, having originally been located there to take advantage of the fast-flowing rivers; glass and porcelain are local specialties, often for export. The principal towns are Jablonec and Liberec, and there is a developing tourist industry, particularly in the Giant Mountains.

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