- stunt
—stuntingly, adv. —stunty, adj./stunt/, v.t.1. to stop, slow down, or hinder the growth or development of; dwarf: A harsh climate stunted the trees. Brutal treatment in childhood stunted his personality.n.2. a stop or hindrance in growth or development.3. arrested development.4. a plant or animal hindered from attaining its proper growth.5. Plant Pathol. a disease of plants, characterized by a dwarfing or stunting of the plant.[1575-85; v. use of dial. stunt dwarfed, stubborn (ME; OE: stupid); c. MHG stunz, ON stuttr short; akin to STINT1]stunt2/stunt/, n.1. a performance displaying a person's skill or dexterity, as in athletics; feat: an acrobatic stunt.2. any remarkable feat performed chiefly to attract attention: The kidnapping was said to be a publicity stunt.v.i.3. to do a stunt or stunts.4. Television Slang. to add specials, miniseries, etc., to a schedule of programs, esp. so as to increase ratings.v.t.5. to use in doing stunts: to stunt an airplane.[1890-95, Amer.; orig. uncert.]
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in agriculture, common symptom of plant disease, resulting in reduced size and loss of vigour. Stunting may be caused by viral, bacterial, fungal, or nematode (eelworm) infections and by noninfectious (abiotic) means including an excess or lack of water, imbalance of soil nutrients, excess light, chemical or mechanical injuries, insect or mite feeding, and too-deep planting. A stunt caused by an infection is often too far advanced to remedy when it is discovered; an abiotic stunt, however, can usually be remedied.* * *
Universalium. 2010.