
studiable, adj.studier, n.
/stud"ee/, n., pl. studies, v., studied, studying.
1. application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection: long hours of study.
2. the cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art: the study of law.
3. Often, studies. a personal effort to gain knowledge: to pursue one's studies.
4. something studied or to be studied: Balzac's study was human nature.
5. research or a detailed examination and analysis of a subject, phenomenon, etc.: She made a study of the transistor market for her firm.
6. a written account of such research, examination, or analysis: He published a study of Milton's poetry.
7. a well-defined, organized branch of learning or knowledge.
8. zealous endeavor or assiduous effort.
9. the object of such endeavor or effort.
10. deep thought, reverie, or a state of abstraction: He was lost in study and did not hear us come in.
11. a room, in a house or other building, set apart for private study, reading, writing, or the like.
12. Also called étude. Music. a composition that combines exercise in technique with a greater or lesser amount of artistic value.
13. Literature.
a. a literary composition executed for exercise or as an experiment in a particular method of treatment.
b. such a composition dealing in detail with a particular subject, as a single main character.
14. Art. something produced as an educational exercise, as a memorandum or record of observations or effects, or as a guide for a finished production: She made a quick pencil sketch of his hands as a study for the full portrait in oils.
15. a person, as an actor, considered in terms of his or her quickness or slowness in memorizing lines: a quick study.
16. to apply oneself to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or practice.
17. to apply oneself; endeavor.
18. to think deeply, reflect, or consider.
19. to take a course of study, as at a college.
20. to apply oneself to acquiring a knowledge of (a subject).
21. to examine or investigate carefully and in detail: to study the political situation.
22. to observe attentively; scrutinize: to study a person's face.
23. to read carefully or intently: to study a book.
24. to endeavor to learn or memorize, as a part in a play.
25. to consider, as something to be achieved or devised.
26. to think out, as the result of careful consideration or devising.
[1250-1300; (n.) ME studie < OF estudie < L studium, equiv. to stud(ere) to be busy with, devote oneself to, concentrate on + -ium -IUM; (v.) ME studien < OF estudier < ML studiare, deriv. of studium]
Syn. 1. inquiry, research, reading, thought, consideration. 7. subject, field, area. 11. library, den. 21. STUDY, CONSIDER, REFLECT, WEIGH imply fixing the mind upon something, generally doing so with a view to some decision or action. STUDY implies an attempt to obtain a grasp of something by methodical or exhaustive thought: to study a problem.
TO CONSIDER is to fix the thought upon something and give it close attention before making a decision concerning it, or beginning an action connected with it: to consider ways and means. REFLECT implies looking back quietly over past experience and giving it consideration: to reflect on similar cases in the past. WEIGH implies a deliberate and judicial estimate, as by a balance: to weigh a decision.

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