stroke play
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Stroke play — Stroke play, also known as medal play, is a scoring system in the sport of golf. It involves counting the total number of strokes taken on each hole during a given round, or series of rounds. The winner is the player who has taken the fewest… … Wikipedia
Stroke play — La formule stroke play, également appelée medal play, désigne une formule du jeu de golf dans laquelle le parcours s accomplit en prenant en compte tous les coups joués et également les coups de pénalité, du 1er trou jusqu au 18e. Cette formule… … Wikipédia en Français
stroke play — ► NOUN ▪ play in golf in which the score is reckoned by counting the number of strokes taken overall. Compare with MATCH PLAY(Cf. ↑match play) … English terms dictionary
stroke play — n. Golf the most common form of competitive play in which the score is calculated by counting the total number of strokes taken; medal play: distinguished from MATCH PLAY … English World dictionary
stroke play — noun golf scoring by total strokes taken • Syn: ↑medal play • Hypernyms: ↑golf, ↑golf game * * * noun : medal play * * * Golf. See medal play. [ … Useful english dictionary
Stroke-play — La formule stroke play, également appelée medal play, désigne une formule du jeu de golf dans laquelle le parcours s accomplit en prenant en compte tous les coups joués et également les coups de pénalité, du 1er trou jusqu au 18e. Cette formule… … Wikipédia en Français
Stroke Play — Das Zählspiel (englisch „Stroke Play“ oder „Medal Play“) ist eine Spielform im Golf, die im Jahr 1759 in St Andrews erstmals urkundlich erwähnt wurde. Beim Zählspiel gewinnt der Spieler mit der niedrigsten Schlagzahl („Score“) über die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
stroke play — /ˈstroʊk pleɪ/ (say strohk play) noun (in golf) play in which the score is reckoned by counting the strokes taken to complete the round; medal play. Also, strokeplay …
stroke play — noun play in golf in which the score is reckoned by counting the number of strokes taken overall. Compare with match play … English new terms dictionary
stroke play — noun A scoring system in which points are awarded based on the number of strokes used to sink the ball, as opposed to match play … Wiktionary