Strenuous — Stren u*ous, a. [L. strenuus; cf. Gr. ? strong, hard, rough, harsh.] Eagerly pressing or urgent; zealous; ardent; earnest; bold; valiant; intrepid; as, a strenuous advocate for national rights; a strenuous reformer; a strenuous defender of his… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
strenuous — [stren′yo͞o əs] adj. [L strenuus, vigorous, active < IE base * (s)ter , rigid > STARE, Gr strēnēs, strong] 1. requiring or characterized by great effort or energy [a strenuous game of handball] 2. vigorous, arduous, zealous, etc. [strenuous … English World dictionary
strenuous — [adj1] difficult; requiring hard work arduous, demanding, effortful, energy consuming, exhausting, hard, Herculean, laborious, mean, operose, taxing, toilful, toilsome, tough, tough going*, uphill*, wicked; concept 538 Ant. easy, effortless,… … New thesaurus
strenuous — index difficult, intense, intensive, onerous, operose, oppressive, painstaking Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
strenuous — (adj.) characterized by great effort, 1590s, from L. strenuus active, vigorous, keen. Probably cognate with Gk. strenes, strenos keen, strong, strenos arrogance, eager desire, O.E. stierne hard, severe, keen (see STERN (Cf. stern) (adj.)). Mocked … Etymology dictionary
strenuous — energetic, *vigorous, lusty, nervous Analogous words: virile, manful, manly (see MALE): dynamic, live, *active, operative: *spirited, high spirited, mettlesome: vehement, *intense, fierce, violent … New Dictionary of Synonyms
strenuous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ requiring or using great exertion. DERIVATIVES strenuously adverb strenuousness noun. ORIGIN Latin strenuus brisk … English terms dictionary
strenuous — stren|u|ous [ strenjuəs ] adjective 1. ) a strenuous activity is one in which it is necessary for you to use a lot of effort, energy, or strength: The job involves strenuous work and long hours. strenuous exercise 2. ) determined: strenuous… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
strenuous — [[t]stre̱njuəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED A strenuous activity or action involves a lot of energy or effort. Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening... These trips were strenuous, and the couple did not enjoy them... Strenuous efforts had been made to… … English dictionary
strenuous — UK [ˈstrenjuəs] / US adjective 1) a strenuous activity is one in which it is necessary for you to use a lot of effort, energy, or strength The job involves strenuous work and long hours. strenuous exercise 2) determined strenuous… … English dictionary