
/strath kluyd"/, n.
a region in SW Scotland. 2,504,909; 5300 sq. mi. (13,727 sq. km).

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Medieval Celtic kingdom, Scotland.

Located south of the River Clyde, it was established in the 6th century. Its capital was Dumbarton. The Picts and Vikings ravaged the kingdom in the 8th–9th centuries. It suffered several defeats by the English, who took it over in the early 10th century. The Anglo-Saxon King Edmund I leased it in 945 to the Scots king Malcolm I. It became a province of Scotland in the 11th century after the death of its king, who had helped Malcolm II defeat the English at Carham.

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▪ historical kingdom, Scotland, United Kingdom
      in British history, native Briton kingdom that, from about the 6th century, had extended over the basin of the River Clyde and adjacent western coastal districts, the former county of Ayr. Its capital was Dumbarton, “fortress of the Britons,” then known as Alclut. The name Strathclyde was not used until the 9th or 10th century.

      Converted to Christianity in the early 6th century, the men of Strathclyde, in alliance with the Cumbrians, later in the century waged war against the still-pagan Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Bernicia (later part of the larger kingdom of Northumbria). The 5th-century king Coroticus, against whose depredations St. Patrick wrote, may have been a forerunner of its rulers; the earliest reliably attested kings are Tudwal and his son Rhydderch, who probably lived in the late 5th and early 6th centuries. In the 7th century, however, the Northumbrians established supremacy over the whole of Cumbria, but Strathclyde was not finally defeated until 756. Vikings overran and destroyed Dumbarton in 870, and, in the first half of the 10th century, Strathclyde became subject to the Anglo-Saxon kings of England, one of whom, Edmund I, in 945 leased it to Malcolm I, king of Scots. Thereafter, Strathclyde's destiny lay with the Scots. It became a province of Scotland after the death of its king Owain the Bald, who in 1016 (or possibly 1018) helped Malcolm II defeat the English at Carham.

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