
/straf"euhrd/, n.
1st Earl of (Thomas Wentworth), 1593-1641, English statesman: chief adviser of Charles I of England.

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      county, southeastern New Hampshire, U.S., bounded to the east by Maine and to the southeast by Little and Great bays; the Salmon Falls and Piscataqua rivers constitute the boundary with Maine. It comprises a lowland region that rises toward the northwest. The Cocheco River supplies hydroelectric power to the county. Among other waterways are the Lamprey, Isinglass, and Oyster rivers and Merrymeeting and Bow lakes. Recreation areas include Hilton State Park. The main species of tree is white pine, with some maple, birch, and beech.

      The local Abenaki Indian tribe was the Piscataqua. Strafford, one of New Hampshire's original counties, was created in 1769 and named for Thomas Wentworth, 1st earl of Strafford (Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st earl of, Baron Of Raby). The county seat is the industrial city of Dover, home to Quakers (Quaker) and Puritans (Protestantism) in the 17th century. Its early industries of shipbuilding and fishing gave way to cotton milling in the early 19th century. Rochester became industrialized in the mid-1800s. Other cities are Somersworth and Durham, the seat of the University of New Hampshire (founded 1866). Plastics, shoes, and measuring instruments now are principal manufactures. Strafford is the smallest in area of the New Hampshire counties. Area 369 square miles (955 square km). Pop. (2000) 112,233; (2007 est.) 121,581.

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  • Strafford — may refer to:PlacesOne of several places in the United States of America, not to be confused with places named Stafford or Stratford: * Strafford, Missouri, a city * Strafford, New Hampshire, a town * Strafford, Pennsylvania * Strafford, Vermont …   Wikipedia

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  • Strafford, MO — U.S. city in Missouri Population (2000): 1845 Housing Units (2000): 720 Land area (2000): 2.335630 sq. miles (6.049254 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 2.335630 sq. miles (6.049254 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Strafford [1] — Strafford, 1) (spr. Sträfford), Grafschaft im Staate New Hampshire (Nordamerika), 16 QM., im Osten an den Staat Maine grenzend, von demselben durch den Salmon Fall s (Piscataqua) River davon getrennt, von den Cocheco, Lamprey u. Isingglaß Rivers… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Strafford [2] — Strafford (spr. Sträfford), Thomas Wentworth Graf von S., geb. 1593, aus einer alten Yorkshire Familie stammend, trat 1621 ins Unterhaus, zeichnete sich dort Anfangs als kräftiger Vertheidiger der Volksrechte aus u. war einer der Haupturheber der …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Strafford — (Sträfförd), Thomas Wentworth, Graf von, geb. 1593, war seit 1621 Mitglied des Unterhauses u. Oppositionshaupt, trat aber auf Seite des Königs, als er die Opposition in die Revolution übergehen sah. Karl I. erhob ihn als Grafen von S. zum Pair,… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Strafford —   [ stræfəd], Thomas Wentworth [ wentwəθ], 1. Earl of (seit 1640), englischer Staatsmann, * London 13. 4. 1593, ✝ (hingerichtet) ebenda 12. 5. 1641; zunächst Gegner der Krone, ab 1628 (Erhebung zum Baron) neben dem mit ihm verbündeten Erzbischof… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Strafford — (spr. sträff rd), Thomas Wentworth, Graf von, engl. Staatsmann, Miturheber und erstes Opfer der engl. Revolution, geb. 13. April 1593, brachte 1628 die Petition of Rights zustande, ward dann mit Bischof Laud die festeste Stütze Karls I., 1632… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Strafford — Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, conde de …   Enciclopedia Universal

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