- stoichiometry
/stoy'kee om"i tree/, n.1. the calculation of the quantities of chemical elements or compounds involved in chemical reactions.2. the branch of chemistry dealing with relationships of combining elements, esp. quantitatively.Also, stoicheiometry /stoy'kuy om"i tree/.[1800-10; < Gk stoicheîo(n) (see STOICHIOMETRIC) + -METRY]
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Determination of the proportions (by weight or number of molecules) in which elements or compounds react with one another.The rules for determining stoichiometric relationships are based on the laws of conservation (see conservation law) of mass and energy and the law of combining weights (see equivalent weight) or volumes. The tools used are chemical formulas, chemical equations, atomic weights, and molecular weights or formula weights.* * *
in chemistry, the determination of the proportions in which elements or compounds react with one another. The rules followed in the determination of stoichiometric relationships are based on the laws of conservation of mass and energy and the law of combining weights or volumes. See also equivalent weight.* * *
Universalium. 2010.