
stichomythic, adj.
/stik'euh mith"ee euh/, n.
dramatic dialogue, as in a Greek play, characterized by brief exchanges between two characters, each of whom usually speaks in one line of verse during a scene of intense emotion or strong argumentation.
Also, stichomythy /sti kom"euh thee/.
[1860-65; < Gk stichomythía, equiv. to stícho(s) (see STICH1) + -mythia (myth(os) speech, story + -ia -IA)]

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also spelled  Stichomythy,  plural  Stichomythias, or Stichomythies,  

      dialogue in alternate lines, a form sometimes used in Classical Greek drama in which two characters alternate speaking single epigrammatic lines of verse. This device, which is found in such plays as Aeschylus' Agamemnon and Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, is often used as a means to show characters in vigorous contention or to heighten the emotional intensity of a scene. Characters may take turns voicing antithetical positions, or they may take up one another's words, suggesting other meanings or punning upon them.

      Repartee in the form of polished aphorisms was a stylistic feature of the Roman tragedies of Seneca (Seneca, Lucius Annaeus), which were intended for private readings rather than performance. Through the influence of Seneca, stichomythia was adapted to the drama of Elizabethan England, most notably by William Shakespeare in comedies such as Love's Labour's Lost and in the memorable exchange between Richard and Queen Elizabeth in Richard III (IV, iv). A similar type of “cut-and-thrust,” or “cut-and-parry,” dialogue figures in the clipped, epigrammatical speech of the prose plays of the 1920s, such as those of Noel Coward.

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  • Stichomythia — is a technique in drama or poetry, in which alternating lines, or half lines, are given to alternating characters, voices, or entities.The term originated in the literature of Ancient Greece, and is often applied to the dramas of Sophocles,… …   Wikipedia

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  • stichomythia — [sti käm′ə thēstik΄ə mith′ē ə] n. [Gr < stichos, a line (see STILE1) + mythos, speech, MYTH1] dialogue in brief, alternate lines, as in ancient Greek drama: also stichomythy [sti käm′ə thē] stichomythic adj …   English World dictionary

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  • stichomythia — noun /stɪkəˈmɪθɪə/ A technique in drama or poetry, in which alternating lines, or half lines, are given to alternating characters, voices, or entities , 1993: The trial in the great hall under its high vaults, dusty sunlight shafting in, full of… …   Wiktionary

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  • stichomythia — /stɪkəˈmɪθiə/ (say stikuh mitheeuh) noun the dramatic practice of dialogue in which each speaker uses exactly one line of the verse. Also, stichomythy /stəˈkɒməθi/ (say stuh komuhthee). {Greek} –stichomythic, adjective …  

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