
/stib"nuyt/, n.
a soft mineral, antimony sulfide, Sb2S3, lead-gray in color with a metallic luster, occurring in crystals, often acicular, or in bladed masses: the most important ore of antimony.
[1850-55; STIB(I)NE (in obs. sense "stibnite") + -ITE1]

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Antimony sulfide (Sb2S3), the principal ore of antimony.

This sulfide mineral has a brilliant metallic lustre, is lead or steel gray in colour, and fuses (melts) readily. Stibnite occurs in low-temperature hydrothermal veins (see hydrothermal ore deposits) and in replacement deposits. Significant deposits have been found in China, Japan, and the U.S. (Idaho, California, and Nevada). Stibnite is used in making matches, fireworks, and percussion caps and was used by the ancients as a cosmetic (called kohl) to increase the apparent size of the eye.

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      antimony sulfide (Sb2S3), the principal ore of antimony. This mineral has a brilliant metallic lustre, is lead- to steel-gray in colour, and fuses readily in a candle flame (at about 525° C [977° F]). It often possesses a bladed habit, is striated, and has one perfect cleavage. Stibnite occurs in massive forms in gneiss and granite. It is also found in limestone, presumably deposited by hot springs. Significant deposits of stibnite have been located in Hunan province, China; on the island of Shikoku, Japan; and in the western United States (Idaho, California, and Nevada).

      Stibnite and the analogous sulfides of arsenic and bismuth (orpiment and bismuthinite, respectively) form a group of minerals that have similar physical properties (see sulfide mineral [table]). Stibnite is used in the manufacture of matches, fireworks, and percussion caps and was used by the ancients as a cosmetic to increase the apparent size of the eye. Its crystals belong to the orthorhombic system.

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