
/stooh"beuhn vil', styooh"-/, n.
a city in E Ohio, on the Ohio River. 26,400.

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      city, seat (1797) of Jefferson county, eastern Ohio, U.S. It lies along the Ohio River, there bridged to Weirton, W.Va., with which it forms a metropolitan area, about 40 miles (65 km) west of Pittsburgh. Settled temporarily in 1765 by Jacob Walker, it later (1786) was the site of Fort Steuben (destroyed by fire, 1790), named for Frederick William, Freiherr (baron) von Steuben, the Prussian soldier who drilled the colonial army during the American Revolutionary War.

      One of Ohio's oldest communities, Steubenville was permanently laid out in 1797. Its location on the river and nearby abundant supplies of coal and clay led to its development as a steelmaking centre. The city's manufactures now also include titanium, chemicals, and automobile parts, and coal mining and power generation are also important to the area. The Franciscan University of Steubenville was opened in 1946 and Jefferson Community College in 1966. Edwin M. Stanton (Stanton, Edwin M), secretary of war under Pres. Abraham Lincoln, and entertainer Dean Martin were born in Steubenville. Inc. village, 1805; city, 1851. Pop. (2000) city, 19,015; Weirton-Steubenville MSA, 132,008; (2005 est.) city, 19,314; Weirton-Steubenville MSA, 126,464.

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