- stem rot
Plant Pathol.1. a symptom or phase of many diseases of plants, characterized by decay of the stem tissues.2. any disease so characterized.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
stem rot — Plant Pathol. 1. a symptom or phase of many diseases of plants, characterized by decay of the stem tissues. 2. any disease so characterized. * * * stem rot, 1. a fungous disease attacking the stem of the tomato, banana, sweet potato, and other… … Useful english dictionary
brown stem rot — noun : a disease of soybeans caused by a fungus (Cephalosporium gregatum) and characterized by a marked yellowing followed by browning and withering of the leaves that is due to a brownish internal rot of the stem * * * Plant Pathol. a disease of … Useful english dictionary
brown stem rot — Plant Pathol. a disease of soybeans, characterized by brown discoloration and decay of internal tissues of the stem and leaf, caused by a fungus, Cephalosporium gregatum. * * * … Universalium
southern stem rot — noun or southern root rot or southern wilt : southern blight … Useful english dictionary
rot — (v.) O.E. rotian to decay, from P.Gmc. *rutjan (Cf. O.S. roton, O.N. rotna, O.Fris. rotia, M.Du. roten, O.H.G. rozzen to rot, Ger. rößen to steep flax ), from stem *rut . The noun (c.1300) probably is of Scandinavian origin (Cf. Icel. rot, Swed … Etymology dictionary
stem-end rot — /stem end /, Plant Pathol. a disease of fruits characterized by discoloration, shriveling, and decay of the stem and adjacent parts of the fruit and caused by any of several fungi of the genera Diplodia and Phomopsis. * * * … Universalium
stem-end rot — noun or stem end decay : any of various rots (as decay of citrus fruits caused by fungi of the genera Diplodia, Dothiorella, and Phomopsis) starting at the point of attachment to the plant * * * /stem end /, Plant Pathol. a disease of fruits… … Useful english dictionary
rot — v., n., & int. v. (rotted, rotting) 1 intr. a (of animal or vegetable matter) lose its original form by the chemical action of bacteria, fungi, etc.; decay. b (foll. by off, away) crumble or drop from a stem etc. through decomposition. 2 intr. a… … Useful english dictionary
rot — [OE] Rot goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *rutjan, which also produced Dutch rotten. It may be related ultimately to Latin rudis ‘rough’, source of English rude. The adjective rotten [13] was borrowed from Old Norse rotinn, which came from the … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
rot — [OE] Rot goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *rutjan, which also produced Dutch rotten. It may be related ultimately to Latin rudis ‘rough’, source of English rude. The adjective rotten [13] was borrowed from Old Norse rotinn, which came from the … Word origins