steel mill

steel mill
a steelworks.

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  • Steel Mill — was one of Bruce Springsteen s early bands and performed regularly on the Jersey Shore, in Virginia, and also in California from 1969 till January 1971. Biography In 1969 Springsteen jammed regularly at a small Asbury Park, New Jersey club named… …   Wikipedia

  • Steel mill — Steel Steel (st[=e]l), n. [AS. st[=e]l, st[=y]l, st[=y]le; akin to D. staal, G. stahl, OHG. stahal, Icel. st[=a]l, Dan. staal, Sw. st[*a]l, Old Prussian stakla.] 1. (Metal) A variety of iron intermediate in composition and properties between… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • steel mill — n. a mill where iron ore is processed into steel …   English World dictionary

  • steel mill — n a factory where steel is made …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • steel mill — UK US noun [C] US ► PRODUCTION STEELWORKS(Cf. ↑steelworks) …   Financial and business terms

  • Steel mill — Blast furnaces of Třinec Iron and Steel Works Interior of a steel mill …   Wikipedia

  • steel mill — noun a factory where steel is made • Syn: ↑steelworks, ↑steel plant, ↑steel factory • Hypernyms: ↑factory, ↑mill, ↑manufacturing plant, ↑manufactory …   Useful english dictionary

  • steel mill — A mill for the production of steel and the shaping of the metal into various forms for use by manufacturers. See all pull mill …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Mill (grinding) — Mill A tabletop hammer mill Other names Grinding mill Uses Grinding Related items Mortar and pestle Expeller Extruder A grinding mill is …   Wikipedia

  • Steel — (st[=e]l), n. [AS. st[=e]l, st[=y]l, st[=y]le; akin to D. staal, G. stahl, OHG. stahal, Icel. st[=a]l, Dan. staal, Sw. st[*a]l, Old Prussian stakla.] 1. (Metal) A variety of iron intermediate in composition and properties between wrought iron and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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