
/stay"shee euhs/, n.
Publius Papinius /pub"lee euhs peuh pin"ee euhs/, A.D. c45-c96, Roman poet.

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▪ Roman poet
in full  Publius Papinius Statius 
born AD 45, Neapolis, Italy
died 96, probably Neapolis?

      one of the principal Roman epic and lyric poets of the Silver Age of Latin literature (AD 18–133). His occasional poems, collected under the title Silvae (“Forests”), apart from their literary merit, are valuable for their description of the life style of a wealthy and fashionable class—the liberti—during the reign of the emperor Domitian.

      His father was also a poet, and Statius seems to have been trained as one from childhood. Little is known of his life. He lived at Rome and was a court poet under Domitian, who awarded him a prize in 89 or 90. He was, however, unsuccessful in the Capitoline competition at Rome, probably on its third celebration in 94, and shortly afterward returned to Neapolis.

      The role of court poet seems to have suited Statius, who used without scruple the flattery that was inevitable under Domitian and exploited it in a way that suited his own nature. He was talented, and his poetic expression, despite its faults, is rich, buoyant, and felicitous.

      Statius is at his best in the five books of the Silvae. Of the 32 poems, five are devoted to flattery of the Emperor and his favourites. Another group gives picturesque descriptions of the villas and gardens of his friends, members of an acquisitive and ostentatious class who surrounded themselves with art works and antiques and patronized the poet in return for his versified praises. There is a striking description of the gifts and amusements provided by the Emperor for the Roman populace at the Saturnalia, the festival of the winter solstice, and his birthday ode honouring the poet Lucan has, along with the usual exaggerations, some good lines and shows an appreciation of earlier Latin poets. Also estimable are poems dealing with family affection and personal loss and one poem to sleep.

      Statius completed one epic, the 12-book Thebaid, but only two books of another, the Achilleid. The Thebaid, a more ambitious work, describes the struggle of the brothers Polyneices and Eteocles for the throne of the ancient Greek city of Thebes. It has many features borrowed from Virgil, but suffers from overstatement and exaggeration. The work begins and ends, however, with passages that convey an atmosphere of dramatic tension and considerable tragic power. The Achilleid gives a charming account of the early education of Achilles, but at the point at which he is taken off to Troy by Odysseus, the poem was evidently interrupted by the poet's death. There is an edition of Statius' works with an English translation by J.H. Mozley in the Loeb Classical Library, 2 vol. (1928).

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