- standoffish
/stand"aw"fish, -of"ish/, adj.somewhat aloof or reserved; cold and unfriendly.Also, stand-offish.[1855-60; STANDOFF + -ISH1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
standoffish — stand*off ish, stand offish stand off isha. Shy or distant in manner; cold; aloof; reserved; not friendly. Syn: offish. [PJC] {stand*off ish*ness}, n. {stand*off ish*ly}, adv. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
standoffish — index unapproachable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
standoffish — 1826, from STAND (Cf. stand) OFF (Cf. off) + ISH (Cf. ish). Verbal phrase stand off hold aloof is from c.1600. Related: Standoffishly; standoffishness … Etymology dictionary
standoffish — [adj] cold, distant aloof, antisocial, cool, eremitic, haughty, indifferent, misanthropic, reclusive, remote, reserved, solitary, unapproachable, uncompanionable, unsociable, withdrawn; concepts 401,404 Ant. friendly, sociable, warm … New thesaurus
standoffish — [stand΄ôf′ish] adj. reserved and cool; aloof standoffishly adv. standoffishness n … English World dictionary
standoffish — [staend”ofijl mod. aloof. □ Bob is sort of standoffish until he gets to know you. □ Don’t be so standoffish! Join in the fun. □ I am a standoffish guy … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
standoffish — {adj.} Stiff; aloof; reserved in manner. * /The famous chess player is hard to get to know because he is so standoffish./ … Dictionary of American idioms
standoffish — {adj.} Stiff; aloof; reserved in manner. * /The famous chess player is hard to get to know because he is so standoffish./ … Dictionary of American idioms
standoffish — adjective Aloof; reserved; unsociable and unfriendly. His initial impression was that he was a bit standoffish or not over effusive. Syn: cold, distant See Also: standoffishness … Wiktionary
standoffish — stand|off|ish [ ,stænd ɔfıʃ ] adjective a standoffish person behaves in a formal way that is not friendly because they do not want to get involved with other people … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
standoffish — adj Stiff; aloof; reserved in manner. The famous chess player is hard to get to know because he is so standoffish … Словарь американских идиом