Handel, George Frideric — orig. Georg Friedrich Händel born Feb. 23, 1685, Halle, Brandenburg died April 14, 1759, London, Eng. German born British composer. Born to a barber surgeon in Halle, he showed a marked gift for music and studied organ, violin, and composition.… … Universalium
Handel, George Frideric — (23 February 1685, Halle, Saxony, Germany – 14 April 1759, London) With Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the supreme composers of the high Baroque, Handel was not by profession a church composer. He did write a number of anthems and smaller… … Historical dictionary of sacred music
Handel, George Frideric — (1685–1759) German composer, born Georg Friedrich Händel … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
George Frideric Handel — (Friday, 23 February 1685 – Saturday, 14 April 1759) was a German born Baroque composer who is famous for his operas, oratorios and concerti grossi. Born as Georg Friedrich Händel (IPA2|ˈhɛndəl) in Halle, he spent most of his adult life in… … Wikipedia
George Frideric Handel — Georg Friedrich Haendel Georg Friedrich Haendel Haendel par Balthazar Denner (1727) Naissance 23 février … Wikipédia en Français
George Frideric Handel — Georg Friedrich Händel Georg Friedrich Händel (anglisiert: George Frideric Handel; * 23. Februar 1685 in Halle an der Saale, Herzogtum Magdeburg; † 14. April 1759 in London) war ein deutsch britischer Komponist in der Epoche des Barock. Sein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
George Frideric Handel — noun a prolific British baroque composer (born in Germany) remembered best for his oratorio Messiah (1685 1759) • Syn: ↑Handel, ↑George Frederick Handel, ↑Georg Friedrich Handel • Derivationally related forms: ↑Handelian (for: ↑Handel) … Useful english dictionary
George Frideric Handel — ➡ Handel * * * … Universalium
List of compositions by George Frideric Handel — The following is a list of compositions by George Frideric Handel.OperasOdes and masquesItalian triosEnglish songsMotetsAnthemsConcerti grossiTrio sonatasAppendixHWV missingHandel compositions not included in the HWV Catalogue.External links*… … Wikipedia
Händel-Gesellschaft — A title page of Händelgesellschaft volume 1 (1858) … Wikipedia