
spurter, n.spurtive, adj.spurtively, adv.
/sperrt/, v.i.
1. to gush or issue suddenly in a stream or jet, as a liquid; spout.
2. to show marked, usually increased, activity or energy for a short period: The runners spurted forward in the last lap of the race.
3. to expel or force out suddenly in a stream or jet, as a liquid; spout.
4. a sudden, forceful gush or jet.
5. a marked increase of effort for a short period or distance, as in running, rowing, etc.
6. a sudden burst or outburst, as of activity, energy, or feeling.
Also, spirt.
[1560-70; var. of spirt; orig. uncert.]
Syn. 1. well, spring. See flow. 4. spout.
Ant. 1. drip, ooze.

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