- sprinkle
/spring"keuhl/, v., sprinkled, sprinkling, n.v.t.1. to scatter (a liquid, powder, etc.) in drops or particles: She sprinkled powder on the baby.2. to disperse or distribute here and there.3. to overspread with drops or particles of water, powder, or the like: to sprinkle a lawn.4. to diversify or intersperse with objects scattered here and there.v.i.5. to scatter or disperse liquid, a powder, etc., in drops or particles.6. to be sprinkled.7. to rain slightly (often used impersonally with it as subject): It may sprinkle this evening.n.8. the act or an instance of sprinkling.9. something used for sprinkling.10. Usually, sprinkles. small particles of chocolate, candy, sugar, etc., used as a decorative topping for cookies, cakes, ice-cream cones, and the like.11. a light rain.12. a small quantity or number.[1350-1400; ME sprenklen (v.); c. D sprenkelen, G sprenkeln; akin to OE sprengan to sprinkle, make (something) spring, scatter, causative of springan to SPRING]Syn. 1. distribute, rain. SPRINKLE, SCATTER, STREW mean to fling, spread, or disperse. To SPRINKLE means to fling about small drops or particles: to sprinkle water on clothes, powder on plants. To SCATTER is to disperse or spread widely: to scatter seeds. To STREW is to scatter, esp. in such a way as to cover or partially cover a surface: to strew flowers on a grave.
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Universalium. 2010.