- splutter
—splutterer, n./splut"euhr/, v.i.1. to talk rapidly and somewhat incoherently, as when confused, excited, or embarrassed: When pushed for an explanation, he always spluttered.2. to make a sputtering sound, or emit particles of something explosively, as water dropped onto a hot griddle.3. to fly or fall in particles or drops; spatter, as a liquid.v.t.4. to utter hastily and confusedly or incoherently; sputter: Out of breath, she spluttered a poor excuse for her lateness.5. to spatter (a liquid, small particles, etc.).6. to bespatter (someone or something).n.7. spluttering utterance or talk; noise or fuss.8. a sputtering or spattering, as of liquid.[1670-80; b. SPLASH and SPUTTER]
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Universalium. 2010.