
splenial, adj.
/splee"nee euhs/, n., pl. splenii /-nee uy'/. Anat.
a broad muscle on each side of the back of the neck and the upper part of the thoracic region, the action of which draws the head backward and assists in turning it to one side.
[1725-35; < NL, for L splenium < Gk spleníon plaster, patch]

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  • splenius — [splē′nē əs] n. pl. splenii [splē′nē ī΄] [ModL < L splenium, a patch, plaster < Gr splēnion, dim. of splēn,SPLEEN] either of two large, flat muscles at the back of the neck, serving to rotate and extend the head and rotate and flex the neck …   English World dictionary

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  • splenius — noun /ˈspliːnɪəs/ A broad muscle running up the top part of the back of the neck. He caressed and parted [...] her lank loose, nearly lumbus length (when she threw her head back as now) black silks as he tried to get at her bed warm splenius …   Wiktionary

  • splenius — sple̱nius, ...nia, ...nium [zu gr. σπληνιον = Pflaster, Verband]: einer Binde ähnlich, riemenförmig; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Musculus splenius capitis (Anat.) …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

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