- splash
—splashingly, adv./splash/, v.t.1. to wet or soil by dashing masses or particles of water, mud, or the like; spatter: Don't splash her dress!3. to cause to appear spattered.5. to make (one's way) with splashing: He splashed his way across the pool.6. Logging. to move (logs) by releasing a body of water from a splash dam.v.i.7. to dash a liquid or semiliquid substance about.8. to fall, move, or strike with a splash or splashes.9. (of liquid) to dash with force in scattered masses or particles.n.10. the act of splashing.11. the sound of splashing.12. a quantity of some liquid or semiliquid substance splashed upon or in a thing.13. a spot caused by something splashed.14. a patch, as of color or light.15. Logging.a. the act of splashing logs.b. water released, as from a splash dam, for splashing logs.16. a striking show or impression.[1705-15; perh. alter. of PLASH1]
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Universalium. 2010.