
spiritlike, adj.
/spir"it/, n.
1. the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.
2. the incorporeal part of humans: present in spirit though absent in body.
3. the soul regarded as separating from the body at death.
4. conscious, incorporeal being, as opposed to matter: the world of spirit.
5. a supernatural, incorporeal being, esp. one inhabiting a place, object, etc., or having a particular character: evil spirits.
6. a fairy, sprite, or elf.
7. an angel or demon.
8. an attitude or principle that inspires, animates, or pervades thought, feeling, or action: the spirit of reform.
9. (cap.) the divine influence as an agency working in the human heart.
10. a divine, inspiring, or animating being or influence. Num. 11:25; Is. 32:15.
11. (cap.) the third person of the Trinity; Holy Spirit.
12. the soul or heart as the seat of feelings or sentiments, or as prompting to action: a man of broken spirit.
13. spirits, feelings or mood with regard to exaltation or depression: low spirits; good spirits.
14. excellent disposition or attitude in terms of vigor, courage, firmness of intent, etc.; mettle: That's the spirit!
15. temper or disposition: meek in spirit.
16. an individual as characterized by a given attitude, disposition, character, action, etc.: A few brave spirits remained to face the danger.
17. the dominant tendency or character of anything: the spirit of the age.
18. vigorous sense of membership in a group: college spirit.
19. the general meaning or intent of a statement, document, etc. (opposed to letter): the spirit of the law.
20. Chem. the essence or active principle of a substance as extracted in liquid form, esp. by distillation.
21. Often, spirits. a strong distilled alcoholic liquor.
22. Chiefly Brit. alcohol.
23. Pharm. a solution in alcohol of an essential or volatile principle; essence.
24. any of certain subtle fluids formerly supposed to permeate the body.
25. out of spirits, in low spirits; depressed: We were feeling out of spirits after so many days of rain.
26. the Spirit, God.
27. pertaining to something that works by burning alcoholic spirits: a spirit stove.
28. of or pertaining to spiritualist bodies or activities.
29. to animate with fresh ardor or courage; inspirit.
30. to encourage; urge on or stir up, as to action.
31. to carry off mysteriously or secretly (often fol. by away or off): His captors spirited him away.
[1200-50; ME (n.) < L spiritus orig., a breathing, equiv. to spiri-, comb. form repr. spirare to breathe + -tus suffix of v. action]
Syn. 2. life, mind, consciousness, essence. 5. apparition, phantom, shade. See ghost. 6. goblin, hobgoblin. 7. genius. 14. enthusiasm, energy, zeal, ardor, fire, enterprise. 15. attitude, mood, humor. 17. nature, drift, tenor, gist, essence, sense, complexion. 19. intention, significance, purport.

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      any of numerous alcoholic beverages produced by distillation. See distilled liquor (distilled spirit).

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