
/spin"euh ret', spin'euh ret"/, n.
1. an organ or part by means of which a spider, insect larva, or the like spins a silky thread for its web or cocoon.
2. a metal plate or cup with tiny holes through which a chemical solution is extruded to form continuous filaments, as of rayon, nylon, or polyester.
[1820-30; SPINNER + -ET]

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▪ fibre manufacturing
also spelled  Spinnerette,  

      in the spinning of man-made fibre, small, thimble-shaped, metal nozzle having fine holes through which a spinning solution is forced to form a filament. The viscous or syrupy solution, prepared by melting or chemically dissolving raw material, emerges from the spinneret as long fibres that are then solidified by coagulation, evaporation, or cooling.

      Most spinnerets are made of stainless steel, but rayon production requires platinum. The size and shape of the spinneret holes determine the filament's cross-sectional shape. Each hole forms a single filament, and the combined filaments form filament yarn. The structure in spiders and silkworms through which silk is extruded is also called the spinneret.

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  • Spinneret — Spin ner*et, n. (Zo[ o]l.) One of the special jointed organs situated on the under side, and near the end, of the abdomen of spiders, by means of which they spin their webs. Most spiders have three pairs of spinnerets, but some have only two… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • spinneret — [spin΄ə ret′] n. [dim. of SPINNER] 1. the organ in spiders, caterpillars, etc., that spins thread for webs or cocoons 2. a thimblelike device or metal plate with tiny holes through which a solution is forced in the making of synthetic fibers …   English World dictionary

  • Spinneret — A spinneret is a spider s silk spinning organ. It is usually on the underside of a spider s abdomen, to the rear. Most spiders have six spinnerets; some have four or two. They move independently and in concert to build webs.The discovery of… …   Wikipedia

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  • spinneret — noun Date: 1826 1. an organ (as of a spider or caterpillar) for producing threads of silk from the secretion of silk glands 2. (or spinnerette) a small metal plate, thimble, or cap with fine holes through which a chemical solution (as of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • spinneret — n. [A.S. spinnan, to spin] 1. (ARTHROPODA: Chelicerata) In spiders, three pairs of glands at the subcaudal end of the abdomen, covered with minute tubes; see fusula sericose. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) An external apparatus from which silk exudes… …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • spinneret — noun The organ a spider uses to spin its web. See Also: spinnerette, spinnerule …   Wiktionary

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  • spinneret —    One of organs perforated by tubes connected with glands secreting liquid silk, in spider. A metal plate pierced with holes through which filaments of plastic material are forced, as in the making of rayon fibers …   Forensic science glossary

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