- spinach
—spinachlike, adj./spin"ich/, n.1. a plant, Spinacia oleracea, cultivated for its edible, crinkly or flat leaves.2. the leaves.[1520-30; < MF espinache, espinage < OSp espinaca, alter. of Ar isfanakh, perh. < Pers]
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Hardy, leafy annual (Spinacia oleracea) of the goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), used as a vegetable.The edible leaves, somewhat triangular and either flat or puckered, are arranged in a rosette, from which a seedstalk emerges. Spinach requires cool weather and deep, rich, well-limed soil to give quick growth and maximum leaf area; sowing seed every two weeks from early spring to late summer provides a steady supply. A nutritious vegetable, spinach is rich in iron and vitamins A and C.* * *
▪ plant(species Spinacia oleracea), hardy, leafy annual of the goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), used as a vegetable. The edible leaves are arranged in a rosette, from which a seedstalk emerges. The leaves are somewhat triangular and may be flat or puckered. Spinach requires cool weather and deep, rich, well-limed soil to give quick growth and maximum leaf area. Seed can be sown every two weeks from early spring to late summer, in rows 30 cm (12 inches) apart, the plantlets being thinned in the row. The last sowings produce young plants that yield a crop in the autumn and stand over the winter, providing leaves in early spring or even through the winter if the weather is not too severe.Widely grown in northern Europe and the United States, spinach is marketed fresh, canned, and frozen. It received considerable impetus as a crop in the 1920s when attention was first called to its high content of iron and vitamins A and C. Spinach is served as a salad green and as a cooked vegetable. Spinach can be made into various soups, soufflés, and mousses and is used as an ingredient in various prepared dishes.* * *
Universalium. 2010.