spina bifida

spina bifida
/bif"i deuh/, Pathol.
a congenital neural tube defect in which part of the meninges or spinal cord protrudes through the spinal column, often resulting in neurological impairment.
[1710-20; < NL, L: cloven backbone]

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      congenital cleft of the vertebral column, a form of neural tube defect (q.v.).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Spina bifida — Classification and external resources ICD 10 Q05, Q76.0 …   Wikipedia

  • spina-bifida — [ spinabifida ] n. m. inv. • 1810; mots lat. « épine (dorsale) bifide » ♦ Méd. Malformation congénitale qui consiste en une fissure d un ou de plusieurs arcs vertébraux postérieurs, pouvant se compliquer d une hernie des méninges et de la moelle… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • SPINA BIFIDA — (дословно ■ расщепленный позвоночник), объединяющее название для врожденных аномалий, характеризующихся неполным закрытием позвоночного канала и порочным развитием спинного мозга или его оболочек. Название дано Тульпиусом (Tulpius) в 1641 г …   Большая медицинская энциклопедия

  • Spina bifida —   [lateinisch bifidus »gespalten«] die, , Rachis|chisis, angeborene Hemmungsfehlbildung, bei der die Wirbelbögen unvollständig geschlossen sind (Spaltwirbel, Wirbelspalt); tritt meist nach außen gerichtet (dorsal) und im Kreuzbein oder Lendenteil …   Universal-Lexikon

  • spina bifida — [spī΄nə bif′i də] n. [ModL < L spina (see SPINE) + bifida, fem. of bifidus, BIFID] a congenital defect or opening in the spinal column through which the spinal membranes or spinal cord may protrude, often resulting in hydrocephalus, paralysis …   English World dictionary

  • spina bifida — ► NOUN ▪ a congenital defect in which part of the spinal cord is exposed through a gap in the backbone, and which can cause paralysis and other problems. ORIGIN Latin, from spina backbone, thorn + bifidus doubly split …   English terms dictionary

  • Spina bifida — Spi na bif i*da (Med.) [L., cleft spine.] A congenital malformation in which the spinal column is cleft at its lower portion, and the membranes of the spinal cord project as an elastic swelling from the gap thus formed. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spina bifida — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Spina et Bifida. Le spina bifida (du latin signifiant « épine fendue en deux ») est une malformation congénitale liée à un défaut de fermeture du tube neural durant la vie embryonnaire. Le plus souvent… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Spina bifida — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 O35.0 Betreuung der Mutter bei (Verdacht auf) Fehlbildung des Zentralnervensystems beim Feten Q76.0 Spina bifida occulta …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Spina bifida — A birth defect (a congenital malformation) in which there is a bony defect in the vertebral column so that part of the spinal cord, which is normally protected within the vertebral column, is exposed. People with spina bifida can suffer from… …   Medical dictionary

  • spina bifida — rachischisis a developmental defect in which the newborn baby has part of the spinal cord and its coverings exposed through a gap in the backbone. The symptoms may include paralysis of the legs, incontinence, and mental retardation from the… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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