
/sawr"euh, sohr"euh/, n.
a small, short-billed rail, Porzana carolina, of marshy areas of North America. Also called sora rail, Carolina rail.
[1695-1705, Amer.; orig. uncert.]

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      town, Lazio (Latium) regione, south-central Italy. In ancient times the town was the scene of fighting between the Romans and the Samnites (a warlike Italic tribe) and experienced a turbulent history during the numerous wars that ravaged the Italian peninsula before Rome's rise to dominance. The town was damaged several times by earthquakes, including one in 1915. In later times it has developed as a mountain vacation resort that also has textile, paper, and other manufacturing industries. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 26,431.

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Universalium. 2010.

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