
sonorously, adv.sonorousness, n.
/seuh nawr"euhs, -nohr"-, son"euhr euhs/, adj.
1. giving out or capable of giving out a sound, esp. a deep, resonant sound, as a thing or place: a sonorous cavern.
2. loud, deep, or resonant, as a sound.
3. rich and full in sound, as language or verse.
4. high-flown; grandiloquent: a sonorous speech.
[1605-15; < L sonorus noisy, sounding, equiv. to sonor-, s. of sonor sound (son(are) to SOUND1 + -or -OR1) + -us -OUS]
Syn. 4. eloquent, florid, grandiose, orotund.

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  • sonorous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a sound) deep and full. 2) (of speech) using imposing or grandiose language. DERIVATIVES sonority noun sonorously adverb sonorousness noun. ORIGIN from Latin sonor sound …   English terms dictionary

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  • sonorous — adjective Etymology: Latin sonorus; akin to Latin sonus sound Date: 1611 1. producing sound (as when struck) 2. full or loud in sound < a sonorous voice > 3. imposing or impressive in effect or style 4. having a high or an indicated degree of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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