
/soh"hoh, soh hoh"/, n.
1. a district in London, England, including Soho Square: a predominantly foreign section since 1685; noted for its restaurants.
2. SoHo.

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neighbourhood, London, United Kingdom
      neighbourhood in the City of Westminster (Westminster, City of), London, that is bounded by Oxford Street (north), Charing Cross Road (east), Coventry Street and Piccadilly Circus (south), and Regent Street (west). The name of Soho derives from an old hunting cry.

      It was an area of farmlands in the Middle Ages and was acquired by the crown in the 1530s. The community's development stems from the activities of the 17th-century urban developer Gregory King. French Huguenots found refuge there during that period; later the area became the home of Greek immigrants and several other groups, including Italians. There are still French and Italian restaurants and continental food shops, and Gerrard Street is a Chinese section. Famous residents of Soho have included William Blake (Blake, William), William Hazlitt (Hazlitt, William), and Karl Marx (Marx, Karl). Wardour Street is a centre for film companies, whereas Carnaby Street attracts tourists with its shops of fashionable clothing and accessories. Soho is a notably animatedand at times unrulyquarter, especially at night. It is still one of London's prostitution districts; and street markets, advertising agencies, clothing firms, and music-publishing houses are interspersed among its less salubrious locales and activities.

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Universalium. 2010.

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