social control

social control
1. Sociol. the enforcement of conformity by society upon its members, either by law or by social pressure.
2. the influence of any element in social life working to maintain the pattern of such life.

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  • Social control — Signs warning of prohibited activities; an example of social control Social control refers generally to societal and political mechanisms or processes that regulate individual and group behavior, leading to conformity and compliance to the rules… …   Wikipedia

  • social control — A term widely used in sociology to refer to the social processes by which the behaviour of individuals or groups is regulated. Since all societies have norms and rules governing conduct (a society without some such norms is inconceivable) all… …   Dictionary of sociology

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  • social control — /soʊʃəl kənˈtroʊl/ (say sohshuhl kuhn trohl) noun 1. the enforcement of conformity by society upon its members, either by law or by attitudes. 2. the influence of any element in social life working to maintain the pattern of such life …  

  • Formal social control — of behaviors include things such as laws and codes that a society abides by. It includes efforts by the police, courts, and correctional institutions to produce social conformity of the law. See law enforcement and informal social control. It is… …   Wikipedia

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  • Social geometry — is a theoretical strategy of sociological explanation, invented by Donald Black, which uses a multi dimensional model to explain variations in the behavior of social life. In Black s own use and application of the idea, social geometry is an… …   Wikipedia

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