Snake oil — is a traditional Chinese medicine used to treat joint pain. However, the most common usage of the phrase is as a derogatory term for compounds offered as medicines which implies that they are fake, fraudulent, quackish, or ineffective. The… … Wikipedia
snake oil — n [U] especially AmE informal 1.) something that is claimed to be a solution to a problem, but is not effective 2.) snake oil salesman/peddler someone who deceives people by persuading them to accept false information, solutions that are not… … Dictionary of contemporary English
snake-oil — snakeˈ oil noun Any substance or mixture without medicinal value but sold as medicine • • • Main Entry: ↑snake … Useful english dictionary
snake oil — n any of various substances or mixtures sold (as by a traveling medicine show) as medicine usu. without having had the claims of their medical worth or properties substantiated by scientific tests … Medical dictionary
snake oil — snake ,oil noun uncount AMERICAN something useless that someone tries to sell you, or make you believe is good … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
snake oil — Advice or medicine which is of no use … The small dictionary of idiomes
snake oil — snake′ oil n. a liquid concoction of questionable medical value sold as an all purpose curative, esp. by traveling hucksters … From formal English to slang
snake oil — ☆ snake oil n. a liquid substance with no real medicinal value sold as a cure all or nostrum, esp. in a medicine show … English World dictionary
snake oil — noun 1. (medicine) any of various liquids sold as medicine (as by a travelling medicine show) but medically worthless (Freq. 1) • Topics: ↑medicine, ↑medical specialty • Hypernyms: ↑liquid 2. communication (written or spoken) intended to deceive … Useful english dictionary
Snake Oil — Schlangenöl (aus dem Englischen snake oil) ist (hauptsächlich im Bereich von Software) die Bezeichnung für ein Produkt, das wenig oder keine echte Funktion hat, aber als Wundermittel zur Lösung vieler Probleme vermarktet wird. Der Begriff… … Deutsch Wikipedia