
sliceable, adj.slicingly, adv.
/sluys/, n., v., sliced, slicing.
1. a thin, flat piece cut from something: a slice of bread.
2. a part, portion, or share: a slice of land.
3. any of various implements with a thin, broad blade or part, as for turning food in a frying pan, serving fish at the table, or taking up printing ink; spatula.
4. Sports.
a. the path described by a ball, as in baseball or golf, that curves in a direction corresponding to the side from which it was struck.
b. a ball describing such a path.
5. Tennis. a stroke executed by hitting down on the ball with an underhand motion and thus creating backspin.
6. to cut into slices; divide into parts.
7. to cut through or cleave with or as if with a knife: The ship sliced the sea.
8. to cut off or remove as a slice or slices (sometimes fol. by off, away, from, etc.).
9. to remove by means of a slice, slice bar, or similar implement.
10. Sports. to hit (a ball) so as to result in a slice.
11. to slice something.
12. to admit of being sliced.
13. Sports.
a. (of a player) to slice the ball.
b. (of a ball) to describe a slice in flight.
[1300-50; (n.) ME s(c)lice < OF esclice, n. deriv. of esclicer to split up < Frankish *slitjan, akin to OE slitan, ON slita, D slijten (see SLIT); (v.) late ME sklicen < OF esclicer]

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Universalium. 2010.

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(into thin pieces) / , , / , , , ,

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  • Slice — may refer to:Food*A portion of bread, cake, or meat that is cut flat and thin, cf. sliced bread *Slice (soft drink), a line of fruit flavored drinks *Vanilla slice, a dessert *Mr. Slice, the mascot of Papa John s pizza restaurantports*Backspin,… …   Wikipedia

  • slice — [ slajs ] n. m. • 1924 golf; mot angl. « tranche » ♦ Anglic. Effet donné à une balle de tennis en la frappant latéralement et de haut en bas. ● slice nom masculin (anglais slice) Effet latéral donné à une balle, au tennis, au golf. ⇒SLICE, subst …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Slice — 〈[ slaıs] m.; , s [ sız]; Sp.; Tennis; Golf〉 Schlag, bei dem der Ball angeschnitten wird [engl., „schneiden“] * * * Slice [sla̮is ], der; , s […sɪs] [engl. slice, eigtl. = Schnitte, Scheibe]: 1. (Golf) a) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Slice — Slice, n. [OE. slice, sclice, OF. esclice, from esclicier, esclichier, to break to pieces, of German origin; cf. OHG. sl[=i]zan to split, slit, tear, G. schleissen to slit. See {Slit}, v. t.] 1. A thin, broad piece cut off; as, a slice of bacon;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slice — [slaɪs] noun [countable] a part or share of something: slice of • Sales reps will get a slice of any catalogue sales to customers in their area. * * * slice UK US /slaɪs/ noun [C, usually singular] INFORMAL ► a part or share of som …   Financial and business terms

  • slice — [slīs] n. [ME < OFr esclice < esclicier, to slice < Frank slizzan, akin to SLIT] 1. a relatively thin, broad piece cut from an object having some bulk or volume [a slice of apple] 2. a part, portion, or share [a slice of one s earnings]… …   English World dictionary

  • Slice — Slice, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sliced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Slicing}.] 1. To cut into thin pieces, or to cut off a thin, broad piece from. [1913 Webster] 2. To cut into parts; to divide. [1913 Webster] 3. To clear by means of a slice bar, as a fire or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Slice — [slais] der; , s [...sis, ...siz] <aus gleichbed. engl. slice, eigtl. »Schnitte, Scheibe«>: 1. Schlag, bei dem der Ball in einer bestimmten Richtung (nämlich beim Rechtshänder nach rechts u. beim Linkshänder nach links) von der Geraden… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • slice — slice·able; slice; …   English syllables

  • slice — [n] piece; share allotment, allowance, bite, chop, cut, helping, lot, part, piece of pie*, portion, quota, segment, sliver, thin piece, triangle, wedge; concept 835 Ant. whole slice [v] cut into portions, shares carve, chiv, cleave, dissect,… …   New thesaurus

  • slice — ► NOUN 1) a thin, broad piece of food cut from a larger portion. 2) a portion or share. 3) a utensil with a broad, flat blade for lifting foods such as cake and fish. 4) (in sports) a sliced stroke or shot. ► VERB 1) cut into slices. 2) …   English terms dictionary

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