- Sivan
the ninth month of the Jewish calendar. Cf. Jewish calendar.[ < Heb siwan]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Sivan — (Hebrew: סִיוָן, Standard Sivan Tiberian Unicode|Sîwān ; from Akkadian unicode|simānu , meaning Season; time ) is the ninth month of the civil year and the third month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. It is a spring month of 30… … Wikipedia
SIVAN — (Heb. סִיוָן), the post Exilic name of the third month of the Jewish year. Occurring in the Bible and in the Apocrypha (Esth. 8:9; I Bar. 1:8) and frequently in rabbinic literature (as in Megillat Ta anit), the name is held to be etymologically… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Sivan — Si van, n. [Heb. s[=i]v[=a]n.] The third month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; supposed to correspond nearly with our month of June. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sivan — Sivan, hebräischer Monat, fällt in den Mai unseres Kalenders u. war der dritte Monat des Kirchen u. der neunte des bürgerlichen Jahres … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sivan — (Siwan), der neunte Monat im jüdischen Kalender, entspricht der Zeit vom Anfang Juni bis Anfang Juli. Am 6. und 7. Tage wird das jüdische Wochenfest gefeiert … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Siván — (סִיוָן; del acadio simānu fecha, estación, época ; o quizás también de siwānu calor, ardor solar , al ser un mes luminoso y cálido), es el noveno mes del calendario hebreo moderno, que comienza su cómputo a partir del mes de Tishrei con la… … Enciclopedia Universal
SIVAN — nomen mensis. Esther. c. 8. v. 9 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Sivan — Nom porté en Provence. Il doit s agir d une forme contractée de Silvan, nom de baptême issu du latin Silvanus (de silva = forêt), qui a donné aussi Silvain, Sylvain … Noms de famille
sivan — sivȁn m DEFINICIJA 1. jud. a. deveti mjesec prema aktualnom židovskom kalendaru b. deveti mjesec židovske godine prema računanju od postanka svijeta c. rel. pov. treći mjesec prema računanju od izlaska židovskoga naroda iz Egipta 2.… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Sivan — [sē vän′, siv′ən] n. [Heb siwan, akin to Akkadian simānu, name of 3d Babylonian month] the ninth month of the Jewish year: see the Jewish calendar in the Reference Supplement … English World dictionary
Sivan — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sivan (homonymie) . Sivan (hébreu : סִיוָן) est un mois printanier de trente jours, le 3e du calendrier hébreu selon le décompte biblique (qui commence en nissan), le 9e du calendrier civil (qui commence en… … Wikipédia en Français