
/sing"speel'/; Ger. /zing"shpeel'/, n.
a German opera, esp. of the 18th century, using spoken dialogue and resembling ballad opera.
[1880-85; < G, equiv. to sing(en) to SING + Spiel play]

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(German; "song-play")

Eighteenth-century opera in the German language, containing spoken dialogue and usually comic in tone.

The earliest Singspiels were light plays in which the dialogue was interspersed with popular songs. In Vienna the form had a brief but intense flowering that resulted in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's enduring Abduction from the Seraglio (1782) and The Magic Flute (1791). Singspiel evolved into transitional works such as Ludwig van Beethoven's Fidelio (1805) and ultimately gave rise to German Romantic opera. See also musical; operetta; zarzuela.

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form of opera
      18th-century opera in the German language, containing spoken dialogue and usually comic in tone. The earliest singspiels were light plays whose dialogue was interspersed with popular songs. Resembling the contemporary English ballad opera and the French opéra-comique (both of which stimulated its development), the singspiel rose to great popularity in the late 18th century. Its success was partly caused by a reaction by composers and audiences against the artificial conventions of the then dominant Italian opera.

      The leading composers of singspiel included Johann Adam Hiller, Jiří Antonín Benda, and Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf. In the hands of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus) the singspiel evolved into a serious and more complete art form in such works as Die Entführung aus dem Serail (1782; The Abduction from the Seraglio) and Die Zauberflöte (1791; The Magic Flute), by far the best-known singspiel. In the 19th century the singspiel ultimately gave rise to both the German Romantic opera and to the popular Viennese operetta.

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