single tax

single tax
single-tax, adj.
a tax, as on land, that constitutes the sole source of public revenue.
[1875-80, Amer.]

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Tax on land values intended as the sole source of government revenues, replacing all existing taxes.

Henry George proposed the single tax in his book Progress and Poverty (1879). The plan gained considerable support in subsequent decades but was never implemented. Advocates argued that since land is a fixed resource, the income it yields is a product of the economy's growth and not individual effort, and that it therefore can fairly be taxed to support the government. Critics protested that the single tax would take no account of an individual's ability to pay, since there is no correlation between land ownership and total wealth or income.

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      originally a tax upon land values proposed as the sole source of government revenues, intended to replace all existing taxes.

      The term itself and the modern single-tax movement originated with the publication of the American economist Henry George's Progress and Poverty in 1879. The proposal gained substantial support in subsequent decades and then gradually declined in popular appeal.

      Advocates argued that since land is a fixed resource, the economic rent is a product of the growth of the economy and not of individual effort; therefore society would be justified in recovering it to support the costs of government. They accepted the view of the economist David Ricardo that a tax on economic rent could not be shifted forward. A second argument was that acceptance of the single tax would make other forms of taxes unnecessary, and eliminating taxes on buildings would stimulate construction and economic growth. A third advantage cited was the simplicity of administration of a single tax.

      Critics found the tax contrary to the usual standard of ability to pay, since there is no correlation between land ownership and total wealth and income. Moreover, portions of other incomes may be considered just as muchunearnedas land rent. Practically, separation of the value of land and the value of buildings would be very difficult.

      While no attempt has been made to use the land tax as a single tax, several jurisdictions have applied their property taxes to land only, instead of to land and buildings, or have taxed land more heavily than buildings. Examples include Australia, New Zealand, the western provinces of Canada, and a few municipalities in the United States.

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Universalium. 2010.

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