
/sing"geuhl stik'/, n.
1. a short, heavy stick.
a. a wooden stick held in one hand, used instead of a sword in fencing.
b. fencing with such a stick.
[1765-75; SINGLE + STICK1]

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      a slender, round stick of wood about 34 inches (slightly less than 1 m) long, thicker at one end than at the other, and used for attack and defense with the thicker end thrust through a cup-shaped hilt of basketwork to protect the hand. It originated as a practice sword in the 16th century and became popular in its own right for cudgel play and singlesticking in British cities and towns during the 18th century.

      Toward the end of the 18th century, play became very restricted. The players were placed near together and could not move their feet. Strokes were delivered with wrist action from a high, hanging guard position, the stick hand being held above the head. Blows on any part of the body above the waist were allowed, but all except those aimed at the head were employed only to gain openings, as each bout was decided only by a broken head—i.e., a cut on the head that drew blood.

      The sport declined in the late 19th century and, though briefly revived as practice for the sabre, was seldom practiced after the beginning of the 20th century.

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