Simeon ben Yohai

Simeon ben Yohai
/sim"ee euhn ben yoh"khuy/
fl. 2nd century A.D., Palestinian rabbi.

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Jewish scholar

flourished 2nd century AD

      Galilean tanna (i.e., one of a select group of Palestinian rabbinic teachers), one of the most eminent disciples of the martyred Rabbi Akiba ben Joseph and, traditionally, author of the Zohar (see Sefer ha-zohar), the most important work of Jewish mysticism. Little is known of Simeon's life, and what is recorded of it in the Talmud is enmeshed with legend.

      Of the pupils at Akiba's academy, Simeon was second in esteem only to the saintly Rabbi Meïr. After Akiba was martyred by the Romans, Simeon also publicly opposed them and was forced to conceal himself. According to a number of legends, he and his son Eleazar hid in a cave for 13 years, subsisting on dates and the fruit of a carob tree. After they emerged, Simeon established an academy where his pupils included Judah ha-Nasi, later the redactor of the Mishna, in which many of Simeon's aphorisms are recorded. Simeon was sent by the Sanhedrin as an emissary to Rome, where he succeeded in having a number of restrictions upon Jewish observances removed.

      Simeon advocated total devotion to the study of the Torah. In the development of Jewish law, in both its ritual and civil aspects, he stressed the importance of seeking the spirit in which laws were written, which could modify their application.

      It was probably because of his reputation as a miracle worker and ascetic that the Zohar came to be attributed to him. Modern critical scholarship, however, ascribes the Zohar primarily to Moses De León (q.v.), a 13th-century mystic.

      Simeon's grave at Meron, near Safed (Ẕefat) in Galilee, became a shrine for Oriental Jews and the mystical Ḥasidim; the traditional anniversary of Simeon's death (on Lag ba-ʿOmer; q.v.) is observed with joyful ceremony at the site of his tomb.

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