
Gro·ti·us (grōʹshē-əs, -shəs), Hugo. Originally Huig de Groot. 1583-1645.
Dutch jurist, politician, and theologian whose major work Of the Law of War and Peace (1625) is considered the first comprehensive treatise on international law.

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  • GROTIUS Hugo — Batav. patriâ Delphensis, saeculi sui Phoenix. Syndicus Roterodamensis primum: din post turbas ab Arminianis motas et biennalem carcerem, ex quo uxoris fraude, eum in cista per ancillam efferri accruantis, liberatus est, legatus Suecicus ad… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Grotius, Hugo — orig. Huigh de Groot born April 10, 1583, Delft, Neth. died Aug. 28, 1645, Rostock, Mecklinburg Schwerin Dutch jurist, humanist, and poet. He enrolled at Leiden University at age 11 and as a teenager accompanied Johan van Oldenbarnevelt on a… …   Universalium

  • Grotius, Hugo — (1583–1645)    Philosopher and Jurist.    Grotius had a legal training at the University of Leyden. He served in various political positions and in 1613 he became Pensionary of Rotterdam. As an Arminian, he supported Oldenbarnevelt against the… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • GROTIUS, Hugo — (1583–1645)    Theologian and jurist. Later known by his Latin name, already as a young boy in Delft, Hugo de Groot displayed his unusual intellectual gifts. He studied at Leiden Uni versityand earned his doctor’s degree in law at the University… …   Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands

  • Grotius, Hugo — (1583–1645) Dutch philosopher of law. Grotius is the father of modern international law, and developed many of the building blocks for subsequent attempts to establish an international order. Born in Delft, he lived through the Thirty Years War,… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • GROTIUS, HUGO —    or HUIG VAN GROOT    a celebrated Dutch jurist and theologian, born at Delft; studied at Leyden under Scaliger, and displayed an extraordinary precocity in learning; won the patronage of Henri IV. while on an embassy to France; practised at… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • GROTIUS, Hugo — (1583 1645)    Dutch theologian and jurist who pioneered BIBLICAL CRITICISM and religious liberty. His greatest theological work was his De Veritate Religionis Christianae (1622) which was intended as an handbook for MISSIONARIES to refute all… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Гроций, Гуго де Гроот (Grotius, Hugo de Groot) — (1583—1645), голландский юрист, социолог и государственный деятель, один из основоположников теории естественного права и науки международного права. Основные труды по — «Свободное море» (1609) и «О праве войны и мира» (1625) …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • Grotius — Grotius, Hugo …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Hugo Grotius — – Portrait von Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt, 1631 Hugo Grotius, niederländisch Huigh oder Hugo de Groot (* 10. April 1583 in Delft (Niederlande); † 28. August …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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