
/see en"euh/, n.
1. a ferruginous earth used as a yellowish-brown pigment (raw sienna) or, after roasting in a furnace, as a reddish-brown pigment (burnt sienna).
2. the color of such a pigment.
[1750-60; < It (terra di) Sien(n)a (earth of) SIENA]

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  • Sienna — Si*en na, n. [It. terra di Siena, fr. Siena in Italy.] (Chem.) Clay that is colored red or brown by the oxides of iron or manganese, and used as a pigment. It is used either in the raw state or burnt. [1913 Webster] {Burnt sienna}, sienna made of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sienna — ► NOUN ▪ a kind of earth used as a pigment in painting, normally yellowish brown (raw sienna) or deep reddish brown when roasted (burnt sienna). ORIGIN from Italian terra di Sienna earth of Siena (an Italian city) …   English terms dictionary

  • sienna — the pigment and its colour of yellowish brown (raw sienna) or reddish brown (burnt sienna) is spelt with two ns despite being derived from the name of Siena in northern Italy …   Modern English usage

  • sienna — 1760, from It. terra di Sienna earth of Siena, city in central Italy, where the coloring material was first produced. The city name probably is from Senones, the name of a Gaulish people who settled there in ancient times …   Etymology dictionary

  • sienna — [sē en′ə] n. [It terra di Siena, lit., earth of SIENA, where first obtained] 1. an earth pigment containing iron and manganese oxides, yellowish brown in the natural state and reddish brown when burnt: cf. BURNT SIENNA 2. either of these colors …   English World dictionary

  • Sienna — This article is about the clay used for pigments. For the Italian city, see Siena. For other uses, see Sienna (disambiguation). Sienna Colour coordinates Hex triplet …   Wikipedia

  • sienna — n. 1 a kind of ferruginous earth used as a pigment in paint. 2 its colour of yellowish brown (raw sienna) or reddish brown (burnt sienna). Etymology: It. (terra di) Sienna (earth of) Siena in Tuscany * * * Sienna see Siena …   Useful english dictionary

  • sienna — noun a kind of ferruginous earth used as a pigment in painting, normally yellowish brown in colour (raw sienna) or deep reddish brown when roasted (burnt sienna). Origin C18: from Ital. (terra di) Sienna (earth of) Siena …   English new terms dictionary

  • sienna — /siˈɛnə/ (say see enuh) noun 1. a ferruginous earth used as a yellowish brown pigment (raw sienna) or, after roasting in a furnace, as a reddish brown pigment (burnt sienna). 2. the colour of such a pigment. {shortened form of Italian terra di… …  

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