Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky
one of a Siberian breed of medium-size dogs having a thick, soft coat, raised originally as sled dogs.

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Breed of dog developed in Siberia by the Chukchi people, who used it as a sled dog, companion, and guard.

It was brought to Alaska in 1909 for sled-dog races and became established as a consistent winner. A graceful dog with erect ears and a dense, soft coat, it stands 2024 in. (5160 cm) and weighs 3560 lbs (1627 kg). It is usually gray, tan, or black and white; head markings may resemble a cap, mask, or spectacles. The breed, kept pure for hundreds of years in Siberia, is noted for intelligence and a gentle temperament.

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breed of dog
 breed of working dog raised in Siberia by the Chukchi people, who valued it as a sled dog, companion, and guard. It was brought to Alaska in 1909 for sled-dog races and soon became established as a consistent winner. A graceful dog with erect ears and a dense, soft coat, the Siberian husky stands 20 to 24 inches (51 to 61 cm) and weighs 35 to 60 pounds (16 to 27 kg). It is usually gray, tan, or black and white, and it may have head markings resembling a cap, mask, or spectacles. The breed, kept pure for hundreds of years in Siberia, is noted for intelligence and a gentle temperament.

       Selected breeds of working dogsSee the table (Selected breeds of working dogs) of selected breeds of working dogs for further information.

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