- shutter-priority
of or pertaining to a semiautomatic exposure system in which the photographer presets the shutter speed and the camera selects the aperture.[1970-75]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Shutter priority — refers to a setting on some cameras that allows the user to choose a specific shutter speed while the camera adjusts the aperture to ensure correct exposure. This is different from manual mode, where the user must decide both values, aperture… … Wikipedia
shutter priority — noun A facility enabling a camera to select the aperture automatically once the shutter speed has been selected by the photographer • • • Main Entry: ↑shutter … Useful english dictionary
shutter-priority — /shut euhr pruy or i tee, awr /, adj. Photog. of or pertaining to a semiautomatic exposure system in which the photographer presets the shutter speed and the camera selects the aperture. Also, shutter preferred /shut euhr pri ferrd /. Cf.… … Useful english dictionary
Shutter speed — [ aperture size to achieve proper exposure.] In photography, shutter speed is the length of time a shutter is open; the total exposure is proportional to this exposure time, or duration of light reaching the film or image… … Wikipedia
Приоритет выдержки (shutter priority) — Режим, при котором выдержка устанавливается фотолюбителем, а диафрагма определяется фотокамерой автоматически в зависимости от освещенности снимаемого сюжета. Этот режим рекомендуется использовать при съемке динамичных сюжетов, когда необходимо… … Глоссарий терминов бытовой и компьютерной техники Samsung
Приоритет выдержки (shutter priority) — Режим, при котором выдержка устанавливается фотолюбителем, а диафрагма определяется фотокамерой автоматически в зависимости от освещенности снимаемого сюжета. Этот режим рекомендуется использовать при съемке динамичных сюжетов, когда необходимо… … Глоссарий терминов бытовой и компьютерной техники Samsung
Aperture priority — Aperture priority, often abbreviated Av (for Aperture value) or A on a camera dial, is a setting on some cameras that allows the user to choose a specific aperture value while the camera selects a shutter speed to match. The camera will ensure… … Wikipedia
aperture-priority — /ap euhr cheuhr pruy or i tee, awr /, adj. Photog. of or pertaining to a semiautomatic exposure system in which the photographer presets the aperture and the camera selects the shutter speed. Also, aperture preferred /ap euhr cheuhr pri ferrd /.… … Universalium
aperture-priority — /ap euhr cheuhr pruy or i tee, awr /, adj. Photog. of or pertaining to a semiautomatic exposure system in which the photographer presets the aperture and the camera selects the shutter speed. Also, aperture preferred /ap euhr cheuhr pri ferrd /.… … Useful english dictionary
aperture priority — noun A facility enabling a camera to select the shutter speed automatically once the aperture has been selected by the photographer • • • Main Entry: ↑aperture … Useful english dictionary