shot noise

shot noise

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  • Shot noise — Photon noise simulation. Shot noise is a type of electronic noise that may be dominant when the finite number of particles that carry energy (such as electrons in an electronic circuit or photons in an optical device) is sufficiently small so… …   Wikipedia

  • shot noise — noun : a sputtering or popping produced (as in a radio) by shot effect * * * Electronics. See under shot effect. [1975 80] * * * shot noise noun (electronics) Inherent noise resulting from variations in the current output of an electronic device… …   Useful english dictionary

  • shot noise — šratinis triukšmas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Schottky noise; shot noise vok. Schottky Rauschen, n; Schrotrauschen, n rus. дробовой шум, m pranc. bruit de grenaille, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • shot noise — šratinis triukšmas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Atsitiktiniai elektros srovės stiprio pokyčiai vakuuminėse radijo lempose ir puslaidininkiniuose barjeriniuose dariniuose (elementuose) dėl elektros krūvio diskretumo… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • shot noise — /ˈʃɒt nɔɪz/ (say shot noyz) noun fluctuation in a circuit input due to the random motion of electrons …  

  • Noise figure — (NF) is a measure of degradation of the signal to noise ratio (SNR), caused by components in a radio frequency (RF) signal chain. The noise figure is defined as the ratio of the output noise power of a device to the portion thereof attributable… …   Wikipedia

  • Noise shaping — is a technique typically used in digital audio, image, and video processing, usually in combination with dithering, as part of the process of quantization or bit depth reduction of a digital signal. Its purpose is to increase the apparent signal… …   Wikipedia

  • Noise (audio) — Noise in audio, recording, and broadcast systems refers to the residual low level sound (usually hiss and hum) that is heard in quiet periods of a programme. In audio engineering, it can refer either to the acoustic noise from loudspeakers, or to …   Wikipedia

  • Noise measurement — is carried out in various fields. In acoustics, it can be for the purpose of measuring environmental noise, or part of a test procedure using white noise, or some other specialised form of test signal. In electronics it relates to the sensitivity …   Wikipedia

  • Noise equivalent temperature difference — (NETD) is a measure of the sensitivity of a detector of thermal radiation in the infrared, terahertz radiation or microwave radiation parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is the scene temperature difference equal to either the internal noise …   Wikipedia

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