
/shee"keuhm, -kem, shek"euhm, -em/, n.
a town of ancient Palestine, near the city of Samaria; occupied by Israel 1967-96; since 1996 under Palestinian self-rule: first capital of the northern kingdom of Israel. Modern name, Nablus.

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ancient Canaanite city
also spelled  Shekhem 

      Canaanite city of ancient Palestine. Located near Nāblus, the two cities have been closelythough erroneouslylinked for almost 2,000 years: both rabbinic and early Christian literature commonly equated Nāblus with ancient Shechem, and Nāblus has been called Shekhem in Hebrew to the present.

      Shechem was important in ancient Palestine because of its position in an east-west pass between Mount Gerizim (Gerizim, Mount) and Mount Ebal (Arabic: Jabal al-Ṭūr and Jabal ʿAybāl, respectively), one of the few such routes in Palestine's hill country. Its ruins are under the stratified mound of Tall al-Balāṭah, just east of Nāblus, which shows evidence of settlement from the Middle Bronze II period (c. 1900c. 1750 BCE), generally associated with the time of the biblical patriarchs. In the Bible the city is first mentioned in Genesis 12:6, where, after coming into Canaan, “Abram passedto the place at Shechem, to the oak [or terebinth] of Moreh.” Jacob bought land there, and it was the site of the rape of his daughter Dinah by the son of the local Hivite chieftain and of her brothers' subsequent revenge (Genesis 34). The city is mentioned in Egyptian documents of the 19th century BCE. During the rule of the Hyksos kings of Egypt (16th17th century BCE), Shechem was a strong walled city with a triple gate, a fortress-temple, and an acropolis. Some of the sites specifically mentioned in the Book of Judges (Judges, Book of) have tentatively been identified by archaeologists.

      Later, after King Solomon (Solomon)'s death, the 10 northern tribes of Israel revolted in Shechem against Solomon's son Rehoboam and installed Jeroboam as king in his place (I Kings 12). After the Assyrian conquest of the northern kingdom of Israel (722 BCE), the city of Shechem declined. It was resettled by the Samaritans (Samaritan), who established their sanctuary on adjacent Mount Gerizim, and was important in the Hellenistic period but was destroyed by the Maccabean ruler John Hyrcanus (John Hyrcanus I) (reigned 135/134104 BCE).

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  • SHECHEM — (Heb. שְׁכֶם), ancient Canaanite and Israelite city situated between Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim in a fertile and well watered valley in the heart of the central hill country of Ereẓ Israel. Shechem has been identified with the ancient mound known… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Shechem —    Shoulder.    1) The son of Hamor the Hivite (Gen. 33:19; 34).    2) A descendant of Manasseh (Num. 26:31; Josh. 17:2).    3) A city in Samaria (Gen. 33:18), called also Sichem (12:6), Sychem (Acts 7:16). It stood in the narrow sheltered valley …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

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  • Shechem — /ˈʃikɛm/ (say sheekem) noun a town of ancient Palestine, near the city of Samaria. Modern, Nablus …  

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