Seyfert galaxy

Seyfert galaxy
/suy"feuhrt, see"-/, Astron.
one of a group of spiral galaxies with compact, bright nuclei having characteristically broad emission lines suggestive of very hot gases in violent motion at the center.
[1965-70; named after Carl K. Seyfert (1911-60), American astronomer, who first described them]

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 any of a class of galaxies (galaxy) known to have active nuclei. Such galaxies were named for the American astronomer Carl K. Seyfert, who first called attention to them in 1944. Two types are recognized. The nuclear spectra of Type 1 Seyfert galaxies show broad emission lines, which are indicative of a central concentration of hot gas that is expanding at speeds of up to thousands of kilometres per second. Type 2 Seyferts have strong emission lines, but they indicate more-modest velocities, less than 1,000 km/sec. Seyfert galaxies appear normal in ordinary images but are extremely strong sources of infrared radiation. Moreover, many are powerful sources of radio energy and X-rays (X-ray) as well. Seyfert nuclei are related to quasars (quasar) but apparently involve smaller amounts of energy release. Like quasars, they are thought to be powered by massive black holes (black hole) at their centres. About 1 percent of all spiral galaxies are thought to exhibit Seyfert properties, or perhaps all spiral galaxies are Seyferts 1 percent of the time.

Paul W. Hodge

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Universalium. 2010.

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