
/seuh ring'geuh peuh tam"/, n.
a town in S Karnataka, in S India, former capital of Mysore state: taken by the British 1799.

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also called  Srirangapatnam 
 town, south-central Karnataka (Karnātaka) state, southern India. It is situated at the western end of Seringapatam Island (Seringapatam) in the Kaveri (Cauvery) River (Kaveri River), just north-northeast of Mysore. Named for its 12th-century temple dedicated to Shri Ranga (the Hindu god Vishnu), the town was fortified in the 15th century and became the capital of the Mysore rajahs (1610) and sultans (1761). Hyder (Haidar) Ali (Hyder Ali) and his son, Tippu (Tipu) Sultan (Tippu Sultan), reigned there when a treaty was concluded (1792) with the British , who had successfully besieged the fort. During the fourth Mysore War (Mysore Wars) (1799), Tippu was killed and the fort again fell to the British.

      The town caters to tourists who visit its 17th-century Hindu monuments as well as a large mosque (Jāmiʿ Masjid) built by Tippu Sultan. Daria Daulat (1784), Tippu's elaborate summer palace, with murals of processions and battle scenes, is in the eastern suburb of Ganjam. Nearby Lal Bagh (“Red Garden”) contains the mausoleum where two sultans are interred. Several islands nearby are part of Ranganthittoo Bird Sanctuary, home of openbill storks, white ibis, night herons, and cattle egrets. Pop. (2001) 23,729.

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