
/sen"euh/, n.
1. any plant, shrub, or tree belonging to the genus Cassia, of the legume family, having pinnate leaves and large clusters of flowers.
2. any of various cathartic drugs consisting of the dried leaflets of certain of these plants, as one drug (Alexandrian senna) derived from C. acutifolia, or another (Tinnevelly senna) derived from C. angustifolia.
3. See wild senna.
[1535-45; < NL < Ar sana]

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Any of several plants, especially of the genus Cassia, in the pea family (see legume), mostly of subtropical and tropical regions.

Many are used medicinally; some yield tanbark used in preparing leather. Some sennas are among the showiest flowering trees. In the eastern U.S., wild sennas (C. hebecarpa and C. marilandica) grow up to 4 ft (1.25 m) high and have showy spikes of yellow flowers. Some species are Old World shrubs or small trees.

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 any of several plants, especially of the genus Cassia, in the pea family (Fabaceae), mostly of subtropical and tropical regions. Many are used medicinally; some yield tanbark used in preparing leather. Some sennas are among the showiest flowering trees.

      Alexandrian senna (C. acutifolia), from Egypt, The Sudan, and Nigeria, and C. sieberana, from Senegal to Uganda, are cultivated in India for their cathartic properties. Tanner's senna (C. auriculata), a tall shrub, is a principal native tanbark in southern India.

      In the eastern United States, wild sennas (C. hebecarpa and C. marilandica) grow up to 1.25 m (4 feet) high and have showy spikes of yellow flowers. Coffee senna, or styptic weed (C. occidentalis), native to North and South America, is widely grown in the Old World tropics for its cathartic and laxative properties. The candlestick senna, or candlebush (C. alata), is a showy shrub that may grow up to 2.5 m high; it is common in the tropics and is cultivated in California as an ornamental.

      The bladder sennas (Colutea species) are Old World shrubs or small trees; their yellow flowers are followed by inflated pods. Scorpion senna (Coronilla emerus), also shrubby, is grown as an ornamental for its yellow flowers.

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Universalium. 2010.

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